Most common keno numbers
Most common keno numbers

Hold: The casino profit after a round of keno.Ģ6. Field: The marked numbers on the keno card that are not circled.Ģ5. This increased difficulty leads to better payoffs for players.Ģ4. Exacta: A wager that requires the player to make winning picks in two consecutive keno games. Enhanced Payoff: Increased payoffs for more difficult keno wagers.Ģ3. The player wins if either he catches between 1-6 numbers or if he/she catches 10-20 numbers. Edge Ticket: A keno ticket where a player picks all 32 numbers around the edge of the ticket. Draw sheet: A record of past keno games where the casino displays the winning numbers from previous draws.Ģ1.


Online keno operators use a random number generator or sometimes a live caller over video to complete a draw.Ģ0. Draw: A round of keno where the casino picks 20 numbers randomly. Deuce: Two keno spots grouped together on the card.ġ9. Conditions: The rules of the different keno games that the casino offers.ġ8.

most common keno numbers

Computer Ticket: A keno ticket where a computer picks the numbers instead of the player.ġ7. Combination Way Ticket: A single keno ticket where a player makes multiple keno wagers.ġ6. Close: The moment prior to the keno draw when the casino stops taking keno wagers.ġ5. Catch zero: A keno bet where the player must avoid hitting any number they’ve marked on their ticket to win.ġ4. Catch All: A keno bet where the player must hit every number they’ve marked on their ticket to win.ġ3. Catch: Hitting a number marked on your keno ticket.ġ2. Caller: The casino employee who runs the keno game and announces the winning numbers as they are drawn.ġ1. Call: Announcement of the winning keno numbers.ġ0. These tournaments are a great way to play keno because the added tournament money reduces the casino edge significantly!ĩ. The casino awards prize money to the top finishers of these games in addition to the money the players win from the keno drawings themselves. Buy-In Tournament: A contest hosted by the casino where players play a pre-determined amount of keno games. The keno caller uses this machine to present the winning numbers.Ĩ. Blower: Portion of the keno machine that picks a ball from the bowl into a clear tube. Blank: A keno ticket that has not been filled out.ħ.

most common keno numbers most common keno numbers

The balls are typically numbered 1 through 80.Ħ. Ball Game: The most common form of keno where numbered plastic balls are drawn live like a bingo draw. Bankroll: Refers to the amount of money a gambler has set aside for all gambling games.ĥ. Bank: The money the casino has available to pay winning players.Ĥ. All or Nothing: A type of bet that pays the player out if they hit all their picked numbers or none of their numbers.ģ. Aggregate Limit: The maximum amount of winnings that the casino will award during a round of keno.Ģ. Here are the most common keno terms that any player should know before starting a game of Keno.ġ.

Most common keno numbers